Monday, February 21, 2011

A pretty great weekend at home

It's President's Day weekend, and instead of partaking in all of the mattress sales that are happening right now, I decided to drive home to Wheaton for the long weekend. On the whole, things haven't been too exciting, but it was a nice change of pace, and I always like spending time with my family.

I even got to see my grammie, who seems to be doing SO much better now that she's doing dialysis. She's alert and more herself in general - something she hasn't been in a long time.

Otherwise I did this and that all weekend, and now it's time for me to get ready to go back. I got a book on tape (Jodi Picoult's Change of's our next book club book) to listen to on my way back. Hopefully that will help pass the time quickly! I also am keeping my fingers crossed that the rain/snow/wintry mix stays away so I can get back to Ames safely!!

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