Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Going to Orlando tomorrow!! :)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Today was a pretty good day. Minus I almost passed out this morning like as soon as I got to work. Maybe it's because I was reading a really bloody, graphic part of the manuscript I was working on?

Man, I really am a pansy.

Either way. Mental image: Me, dressed up for work. Lying on the floor in my cubicle with my upper body under the desk.

They probably thought I was dead or something. I mean, it really probably looked like it. But Kate was wonderful and got me some water and gave me a handful of her Hershey's Kissables.

Nothing like chocolate to bring your blood sugar up.

My mom sent me a flower cake at work. It's beautiful (and also a big hit with the rest of the office)!

I still can't believe I am almost 21. I keep forgetting. AND Disney World is coming up. (!!!)

Book treasures of the day: The Graduate by Charles Webb, Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe, and the books from the Mortal Instruments series.

Man, I love this job.

I also just saw my roommate Katy completely naked. Eesh, that was unpleasant.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

La fotographia

Please go check out Hallie's photography skills. They're pretty wicked.

I may sound like a pubescent boy, but I sure love this city!

In the last six days I have learned may things:

New York suits me. It suits me mighty fine.

Publishing is what I want to do. (The internship has been AMAZING)

Washington Square is perfect for people watching.

I am actually a lot better at making friends than I thought I would be (but I got really lucky. Like, really, really lucky).

Bradley cafeteria food really is that bad.
