Thursday, February 10, 2011

Nicest note ever from one of Hallie's friends in LA:


It was very nice meeting you. If there was a single quality I wished to instill in all women with beautiful noses, it would be the ability to immediately and appropriately recall previous jokes - you are an expert at what those of us who dabble in whimsical intelligencia call WIT.

That said, your short visit was hysterical and utterly funtastic. Not that you need to hear it from me, but please come back any time. The pleasure would be ALMOST entirely ours, except that I think it's reciprocal. :)

-Harry Doggins"

This made me laugh so hard. Apparently I look like the human version of Kim Possible (the cartoon)

I already miss California and have posted my pictures on Facebook if you want to check them out.

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