Wednesday, July 7, 2010

My friend Hallie

is a wonderful photographer (I mentioned her a loooong time ago) and she took a whole bunch of portraits of me. :)

If you'd like to see, visit here. If you can't see them because it's locked, I'm sorry.

In other news, another successful free pie day (thanks to Baker's Square!) has ended with me, Ruthie and Nathan chowing down on some delicious pie and enjoying some nice conversation. I made the mistake of teaming mine with diet coke so I have a feeling I will be up for awhile. Nathan got two cups of coffee with his, so I have a feeling it'll be much worse for him. Oops!

I guess I will do a bit of writing or reading or both. I've currently worked five days in a row and might not be off again until next Friday unless someone takes my shift on Monday (fingers crossed someone will!). If not, I will work...16 days since June 29th with only one day off. Eesh.

Other than the pie I think I've been eating better and snacking less when I am bored, which is a good start. My exercise regimen is off because of my awkward work schedule, but tomorrow it's supposed to pour rain so maybe I will work out inside?

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