Sunday, March 16, 2008

Fresh Beginning

I already have gone through every type of blog imaginable it seems: Xanga, Myspace (if you even include that), Livejournal...

What's amazing to me is that it is hard to even tell who is reading things about you on the internet, yet somehow I am still compelled to blog away anyway.

The fact that none of this will ever be permanently erased and will forever be able in public access surprisingly doesn't bother me.

Perhaps it's the fact that I don't find myself or my random outbursts of thought too exciting, though, yes, amusing.

Regardless, here I am. Starting over again. I don't promise anything spectacular, but at least I am going to give it a shot and actually blog correctly. Not just FOR three specific people under the guise of a blog (when its really more like an off-kilter e-mail of sorts), but for the general public. I will post things that happen to me, happen around me, happen to other people that amuse me. That's the plan.

Let's hope this works. Now cross your fingers, clasp hands, and get ready to jump! your heart beating quickly with adrenaline yet?

1 comment:

Dahvede said...

This should be pretty interesting. Oh hey, for a little nostalgia...
"I found Skittles under here."