Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Saturday, December 26, 2009

So last night I was thinking

about all of my friends that are getting married/starting families. I was also thinking about how I don't feel like I am ready to get married yet, or have babies, or any of that. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that it isn't that I am not ready or not capable of doing these things and doing them well, it's just that I feel like I have so much more living to do before I reach that point.

I want to travel, see the world, and photograph it some more. I want to meet people that challenge me, shape me, break me, and help get me put back together. I want to read until my eyeballs shrivel up and fall out of my head, only for me to dust them off and put them back in again so I can read some more. I want to learn so much it makes my head spin. I want to get so completely lost I think I'll never find my way and then blaze a trail to where I need to be. I want to feel alive, vibrant and, more than anything else, happy.

I wish the best for my friends starting new lives with significant others, and I can't wait 'til I get there, but right now I'm in no hurry.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Monday, December 21, 2009

Holy cow

my jaw is in pain.

That being said:

Thursday, December 17, 2009


my wisdom teeth get yanked. Bring on the pain.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

If you want more love

why don't you say so?

Back then I swore

I was gonna marry him someday, but I realized bigger dreams of mine.

When all you wanted was to be wanted

Wish you could go back and tell yourself what you know now.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Much of the storm has passed

and I made it.

"You are what you love, not what loves you. That's what I decided a long time ago."--Adaptation.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Epic fail, self.

I just tried to post my schedule from now til the end of the semester and failed because there is too much going on. Wah wah.

Save me.