Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Today was just not my day.

It started with maybe the worst night of sleep ever. My air conditioner was being stupid and now actually blowing cold air, so it was hot as all get out. Add 3 tipsy girls into a not very large room, clad with two large windows that warm the room during the day anyway and what you get is an uncomfortable, stuffy sleeping habitat.

No good. I slept poorly at best.

Then work was work...I still can't believe it's my last week! :(

And then after work I went to take my 2 boxes of books to the post office, but FML because the two closest ones close at 5pm and didn't have an outside drop off! My arms and back are sore now and it's uncomfortable.

THEN! Theeeen I went on a hunt for a luggage scale. I had called Macy's on my lunch break and asked if they had any in stock. The woman on the phone said yes. Success! So I go there after dinner and wouldn't you know it? They are out of stock. The woman so kindly directed me to this place called Luggage Source, which was already CLOSED. Blah. Disaster.

And now...sleep!

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