I've been incredibly bad at blogging. Maybe that is something I should include in my New Years resolutions this year? Or perhaps I will use my blog to keep myself accountable to my resolutions?
I don't know...I've always sort of frowned on New Years' resolutions simply because it seems like an excuse to start anew only once a year instead of just trying to be and do your best all year, regardless of when you fall off the wagon. However, if it works, why rock the boat, right? Even if I feel this way, why shouldn't I start fresh on New Year's Day because, after all, it is just any other day isn't it?
Basically, my biggest goal this year is to get back to being healthy and in shape. I am sad to say I fell off the wagon this year, as in REALLY fell off the wagon, and I'd like to get back to looking and feeling better.
Other than that, I just want to continue to grow the relationships I have and love those around me as warmly and meaningfully as I can.
2012 was a great year, but it was also a year that brought many more challenges than I expected. I hope 2013 will be a year that is full of as much happiness as I can handle, but also allows me to continue to grow and move forward.
Another thing that has been on my mind is doing a "25 things to do before I am 25" type challenge. I've had a few friends who have, and really liked it. You only turn 25 once, right? Also, there was this really excellent Thought Catalog article about just this topic, and it published on my birthday. Serendipity, right? That means I should do this, right? :)
If you have any suggestions (though I doubt anyone reads this anyway), do let me know!